It is everyone’s dream to have a good smile and a healthy mouth.

A good smile and a healthy mouth are important contributing factors towards achieving good quality of life. Preventing dental diseases will save one from the trauma of pain and treatment.

Thus, the Preventive Dental Clinic aims to provide patients with opportunities to improve their oral health and to prevent the occurrence of dental diseases in individuals and their family members. Individuals who come to our specialist clinic will have the option of different types of preventive measures. Preventive dentistry emphasizes the importance of ongoing hygiene procedures and daily practices to prevent tooth decay and other dental diseases and conditions. Effective preventive dentistry combines at-home oral care by patients with chair side treatments and counseling by dental professionals. Our inviting atmosphere and attentive team will help you establish a comprehensive preventive dental plan for you.

The objectives of this clinic are to provide:

    A one stop center for patients to consult regarding their current oral health status and risk to dental diseases and oral hygiene care advice.
    Dietary consultation for patients who are at high risk to dental diseases.
    Motivational support for at-risk behavioural change.

Patients may request to do a caries risk assessment test that will help to detect if you are at high risk to caries. We can customize a prevention program based on your individual caries risk assessment profile. Caries risk assessment involves observing the patient's age, clinical appearance and also takes into account the number of existing carious lesions (someone with two or more may be considered at high risk of developing future caries), fluoride exposure, salivary flow rate dietary habits, and medication use.

Management of high-risk cases includes increasing the resistance of your teeth towards dental decay by applying topical fluoride application or fissure sealant and this is especially recommended for youngsters between the ages of 6 to 16 years. You may also come to us for oral hygiene advice or diet counseling as this will assist you to have better idea of an ideal and healthy diet.

Do come and see us for further consultation!

The Population Oral Health and Clinical Preventive Care Team

Contact Us

Faculty of Dentistry,
Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Sungai Buloh Campus, Selangor Branch,
47000, Jln Hospital, Sungai Buloh
Selangor, MALAYSIA
Phone  : +603-6126 6555 

Email   :  


Klinik Pergigian Jasmine Perdana (Puncak Perdana Campus)

Phone  : +603 7962 2400