Comprehensive Care
Centre of Comprehensive Care Studies was established in 2014 and is the largest clinical unit department in the Faculty of Dentistry, with the highest number of full time clinical lecturers of 26 academicians. Our unique department has an amalgamation of specialists from various background such as Dental Materials, Operative Dentistry, Endodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Community Dentistry, Orthodontics, Removable Prosthodontics and Fixed Prosthodontics.
We are responsible for two courses in undergraduate program which are Comprehensive Care and Practice Management (DCC 607) and Operative Dentistry and Endodontics (DOE 602). and two clinical courses in postgraduate program, Doctor in Endodontics (DS976) and Doctor in Special Care Dentistry (DS977). Learning experiences are provided in both laboratory and simulated clinical environment, and guided by lectures, seminar, problem based learnings, demonstrations, manuals, and self-directed learning. We are also the subject experts and clinical specialists pertaining to these fields.
- Relate knowledge with all required clinical skills to adapt a holistic approach into the practice of dentistry including cariology, special needs, case integration and field work (community outreach).
- Apply the technical, practical and biocompatibility aspects of dental material used for patients.
- Demonstrate appropriate selection and manipulation of dental materials for operative and endodontics application.
- Formulate a treatment plan, deduce factors that may affect the progress and outcome of a proposed treatment and manage according to principles of prevention and clinical practice.
- Analyze information in a scientific and effective manner, assist in critical thinking and problem solving for patient care.
- Develop the ability to propose a business plan in establishing a private practice including its management.
- Relate, integrate and apply basic sciences, behavioral sciences and clinical sciences learnt to the clinical process of patient diagnosis, treatment planning (Holistic approach) and execute the plan successfully.
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – Comprehensive Care and Practice Management (DCC 607)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – Operative Dentistry and Endodontics (DOE 602)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – Operative Dentistry and Endodontics (DOE 602)
Doctor in Endodontology (DS976)
MScD Endodontic Elective (DPE701)
MScD Endodontic Elective (DPE701)
Doctor in Special Care Dentistry (DS977)
MScD SCD Elective (DPS701)
MScD SCD Elective (DPS701)
Research Interest Group (RIG)
- Interprofessional and dental education
- Autism
Niche are:
Special Needs Dentistry/ Special Care Dentistry .
Qualitative and quantitative study .
Caries, ICDAS, Optical coherence tomography.
Aesthetic Dentistry
Endodontic Microbiology and Immunology
Contact Us

Dr Nik Rahayyu Nik Zulkifeli
Centre of Comprehensive Care Studies,
Faculty of Dentistry,
UiTM Selangor Branch, Sungai Buloh Campus,
Jalan Hospital, 47000, Sungai Buloh, Selangor.
Email :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr Nik Rahayyu Nik Zulkifeli
Centre of Comprehensive Care Studies,
Faculty of Dentistry,
UiTM Selangor Branch, Sungai Buloh Campus,
Jalan Hospital, 47000, Sungai Buloh, Selangor.
Email :