Centre of Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Studies is consists of two specialties:
Paediatric Dentistry The major emphasis of Paediatric Dentistry programme is to train student the basic concepts and principles of managing paediatric dental patients including diagnosis and treatment planning, recognize growth and development that leads to dental health problem in infant, children and adolescents. Since 2019, we started to offer postgraduate training, which consists of elective course Paediatric Dentistry of Master of Science in Dentistry (MScD) followed by a three-year program of Doctor in Paediatric Dentistry (DrPaedDent) for graduates in dental surgery who are interested to specialise in Paediatric Dentistry. Our doctoral-level postgraduate program aims to train our students to provide the most current and evidence-based treatment for a wide variety of dental problems in children including special need patients. This program incorporates training in the use of nitrous oxide sedation and hypnodontics in the behaviour management module. The students will be exposed to a variety of behavioural and medical problems, dental and craniofacial anomalies as well as dental trauma cases. Our Paediatric Dental Specialists provide a comprehensive treatment for infants, children and adolescents attending our clinic. We provide consultation, evaluation, dental treatment and prevention for children with special needs, behaviour problem, and medically compromised children at the Paediatric Specialist Clinic.
Orthodontics is a discipline in dentistry that concerned with the growth and development of the jaws and face particularly, and the body generally, and their influence to the position of the teeth. We are a dedicated team of qualified and experienced Orthodontic Specialists who are passionate about undergraduate and postgraduate dental education, research, attending to our patients’ orthodontic concerns and continuing dental education. Elective course in Orthodontics during MscD provides fundamental knowledge and theories of clinical specialty in Orthodontics, with emphasis on pre-clinical and clinical application before embarking on the specialist program. It includes overview lectures, seminars, demonstration, practical sessions and journal clubs. The students are expected to acquire clinical skills along with early exposure to patient management based on scientific and critical thinking in orthodontics. Upon successfully completed the MScD program, the students are offered to pursue in a three-year Doctor in Orthodontics program. This course provides comprehensive knowledge and training in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics based on the professional and ethical standards. The students will be exposed to various orthodontic theories and current evidence-based treatment modalities. Students will be involved in lectures, seminars, journal clubs, case discussions, and clinical sessions throughout the study period. The aim of this programme is to prepare graduate students to become a registered Orthodontist who are capable of diagnosing and treating any malocclusion of the teeth requiring comprehensive management. Patients presenting with a wide range of malocclusions are treated by graduate student under Orthodontist’s supervision at the Orthodontics Specialist Clinic.
1. Bachelor of Dental Surgery DS240
2. Master of Science in Dentistry (MScD) DS701 Clinical elective courses:
3. Doctor in Paediatric Dentistry DS975
4. Doctor in Orthodontics DS972
Contact Details: Centre for Paediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Studies,
Our People Acting Head, Centre of Studies |
Resource Person |
Acting Head, Centre of Studies Associate Prof. Dr Rohaida Abdul Halim BDS (Malaya), DClinDent Paediatric Dentistry (Otago), DipClinHyp (LCCH) |
Research Interest:
Academic Staffs |
Associate Prof. Dr Annapurny Venkiteswaran BDS (Malaya), MFDSRCS (England), MClinDent Child Dental Health (Malaya), DipClinHyp (LCCH) |
Research Interest:
Associate Prof. Dr Alaa Sabah Hussein BDS (Baghdad), MSc (Baghdad) |
Research Interest:
Dr Norashikin Abu Bakar DDS (USM), DClinDent Paediatric Dentistry (UKM) |
Research Interest:
Dr Siti Hajar Hamzah DDS (USM), MDS Paediatric Dentistry(HKU), AdvDip Paediatric Dentistry(HKU) |
Research Interest:
Dr. Azwin Assilah Binti Kamaruddin BDS (UiTM) |
Dr. Mohamad Afiq Farhan Bin Roslan BDS(Alexandria) |
Resource Person
Academic Staffs |
Prof. Dr Aida Nur Ashikin Abd Rahman BDS(Malaya), MOrth (Malaya), MOrthRCS (England), M(Orth)RCPS (Glasgow), PgDipMEd(Wales), MScMEd(Wales), FDSRCS(Eng) Ad Eundem, |
Research Interest:
Associate Prof. Dr Maryati Md Dasor DDS (Canada), MOrth (UKMalaysia) |
Research Interest:
Dr Muhamad Nizam Muhamad Subra BDS (RGUHS, India), MDS Orthodontics (RGUHS, India), |
Research Interest:
Dr Nik Mukhriz Nik Mustapha BDS (Malaya), DClinDent Ortho (Glasgow), |
Research Interest:
Dr Syed Bazli Alwi Syed Bakhtiar Ariffin BDS (Malaya), DClinDent Ortho (UiTM), |
Research Interest: